Bai, X.; Chen, N.; Cao, Z.; Li, Y. Conductive Ionogel for the Study of Charge Transport through SAM-based Junctions in Aqueous Solution. J. Mater. Chem. C. 2024, 12(2), 481.
Publication time:2023-11-30     Reading times:     Font:【BigMediumSmall

In November 2023, Yuan Li’s Group synthesized a conductive ionogel as the top electrode for measuring the electrical properties of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) with different terminal groups. The SAMs used for testing exhibited varying affinities with water molecules due to differences in the amount of water molecules between the electrode and SAM, revealing distinct interactions with water molecules.

Previous:Chen, N.; Yang, Z.-Y.; Lin, J.-L.; Zhou, Z.-M.; Xie, Y.; Wang, L.-J.; Li, Y. Fabrication of Multi-function Molecular Tunneling Junctions by Click Chemistry. Chem Comm 2024, 60(3), 336.
Next:Chen, N.; Li, S.; Zhao, P.; Liu, R.; Xie, Y.; Lin, J.-L.; Nijhuis, C. A.; Xu, B.; Zhang, L.; Xu, H.; Li, Y. Extreme Long-Lifetime Self-Assembled Monolayer for Air-Stable Molecular Junctions. Sci. Adv. 2023, 9 (42), eadh3412.
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